Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"The Eventual Obsolescence of Money"

Money was created as a medium of currency used to facilitate the process of exchanging one product for another. With money, every quantifiable product is assigned a monetary value, and with this monetary value one can purchase the product desired by exchanging the valued amount of money for it. One's employment labor, the food one eats, the clothing one wears, the home one lives in, the animals and plants one owns, the vehicle of transportation one uses, the entertainment products one enjoys, the businesses one owns, the intellectual property one creates, and numerous other products all have a unique monetary value. In this society, we all need money in order to obtain our very means for physical survival, and the only two known ways of obtaining money on a regular basis are by working for it yourself or by acquiring and owning substantial assets that do the work for you.

But what would happen to our society if everyone had telepathic and telekinetic mental abilities, including the ability to instantaneously manipulate vast quantities of matter on a molecular, atomic, or subatomic level? If you could create whatever product you needed, even whatever product you desired, by merely thinking it into existence, then you obviously wouldn't need to buy it at all. Why buy something when you can have it for free without having to steal it? With such phenomenal superhuman powers, society's priorities and philosophies would be changed overnight. If everyone had the ability to instantaneously think food into existence, much like Jesus Christ multiplying loaves and fishes or changing water into good wine, world hunger would altogether cease to exist, and the slaughtering of innocent animals for meat would altogether become a thing of the past. If everyone had the ability to instantaneously think clothing, cars, mobile homes, houses, apartments, buildings, musical instruments, entertainment systems, computer technology, and any other physical product into existence, our current global economy would be turned upside down, and nearly every global corporation would wind up out of business. If everyone had the ability to instantaneously heal themselves, much like Jesus Christ instantaneously healing the blind man and the leper while miraculously raising the dead, medical and pharmaceutical corporations would also wind up out of business, diseases like cancer and AIDS would be wiped out forever, paraplegics would be able to walk again, amputees would be able to miraculously grow back their lost limbs, and all people with birth-defects would be made whole. If everyone could mentally levitate their own bodies and fly through the sky without the use of aircraft, the whole concept of air-traffic would have to be redefined, and the airline industry would be reduced to a mere fraction of its current size. If everyone could mentally and instantaneously teleport themselves to another country, another world, and even another galaxy, then everyone could be an explorer, a traveler, and even an astronaut (having taken into account, of course, the proper preparations for dealing with harsh non-terrestrial environments), journeying to distant places far beyond the reach of the world's current space-programs. If everyone mentally possessed advanced telepathic capabilities, parents could teach their child how to speak while the child is still developing in the womb, children could be educated at an accelerated rate, people who may be separated by vast distances could still interact with each other in a vivid telepathic virtual-reality, and nearly every telecommunications corporation would also wind up out of business. Indeed, if humanity possessed such awesome, miraculous, supernatural capabilities, society itself would be radically different from what it is today. Whether our overall society becomes better or worse as a result of such miraculous empowerment, however, depends entirely upon overall human character, and specifically whether or not human character can adapt itself, in a healthy way, to such radical empowerment.

Whether or not the very human being will ever acquire the above-mentioned miraculous supernatural capabilities is no longer an issue. Such innate capabilities are already on the horizon for the entire human race, and eventually, society will be miraculously empowered beyond anyone's wildest dreams. In this brave new future, the overall concept of money will no longer have any place. Nevertheless, the very difference between paradise and peril in this future world will be determined by what kind of person inherits it. Any person who is still willfully entertaining his or her own past or present character-flaws is simply not ready for this future world, where every last human being will possess godlike superhuman capabilities. Time and again, history has demonstrated how corrupt and reprobate a carnally minded person becomes when he or she obtains a substantial amount of money, social status, and authority, without any kind of prior moral discipline to overcome the carnal mind. Now consider how immeasurably cataclysmic the same person would become after having obtained awesome supernatural capabilities. A godlike, supernaturally empowered individual who still maintained a violent vendetta, an avaricious lust, or any other form of character-flaw would be considered, in the least case, lethal. Such is the individual attempting to utilize his or her awesome new miraculous powers while thinking with an old mindset. An example of this old mindset can be observed in an individual who uses his or her new powers as awesome weapons of vengeful violence against automobile drivers in a hostile instance of traffic-congestion, his or her anger fueled by prior experiences with road-rage. The same individual with a new mindset would have simply teleported himself or herself, along with any cargo and other people, to the desired destination without having to deal with any kind of adverse traffic situations or road-rage at all. Another example of the old mindset involves an individual driven by perverse lusts, using his or her new powers to wrongfully seduce other people into having outrageous sexual intercourse with him or her, or using his or her new powers to wrongfully create freakishly new sex-creatures to fulfill his or her own deviant desires. With a new mindset, the same individual would have simply eliminated the lusts altogether, having exclusive sexual relations with his or her own loving spouse (whom he or she may have found through the proper use of telepathy), and using sex to have children with that same spouse. A rape-victim with an old mindset of vengefulness, and not a new mindset of mercy and forgiveness, would have used his or her new powers to instantaneously hunt down and viciously murder the rapist, even if the rapist had already earnestly repented, diligently paid for the crime through the legal justice system, and truly sought to be an honest, decent, virtuous member of society. Vengefulness, lust, wrath, greed, envy, sorrow, pride, hatred, vanity, materialism, laziness, and numerous other character-flaws originating from the old mindset are the result of humanity having lived a mortal, desperately limited physical life for many thousands of years. A race of human beings capable of miraculously altering the very building-blocks of the physical realm through sheer telepathy and telekinesis would be considered an entirely new creation altogether, and as such, the old mindset and its governing rules would be utterly obsolete. That is why the miraculous, superhuman empowerment of the human race must be involuntarily accompanied by the intensely disciplined renewal of the mind, so that every empowered individual thinks cognitively and exclusively with the new mindset, and not with the old. Functioning in the old mindset, including the open identification of yourself as your physical body and not as your eternal self, will utterly prevent you from properly inheriting this miraculous empowerment and the new mindset that must come with it. And both the concept of money and the love of money are also part of this physical self-identification that must be completely done away with.

There will always be situations where yesterday's solution becomes tomorrow's stumblingblock. In the past, money was an excellent solution for managing the commercial affairs of a human race trapped in bondage to the physical body. But in a future where humanity will be free of any and all physical bondage, money will become a serious stumblingblock against this entirely new way of life. This is not to say that money in and of itself is a bad concept. But the context in which money is utilized will determine whether or not it is bad, and although the importance of money has not changed in any way, the very inner-being of humanity is about to undergo a radical, unprecedented transformation that will impact the entire physical Universe. Within the context of this new humanity, money will be utterly meaningless.

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