A chain can only be as strong as its weakest link. The same applies to humanity as a whole. Society can only be as moral and legal as its most depraved criminal. Technology can only be as beneficial and progressive as its most selfish ignoramus. Civilization can only be as humane and just as its most tyrannically avaricious corporation. A nation can only be as upright and exemplary as its most irresponsibly perverse hedonist. A people can only be as strong and courageous as their most acquiescent coward. And a community can only be as wealthy as its most impoverished family.
Just as a small pinch of yeast can permeate an entire loaf and render it unclean (Exodus 12:15, 19-20; 13:6-7; 34:25; Leviticus 2:11; 6:17; 10:12; Amos 4; Matthew 13:33; Luke 13:20-21; Ist Corinthians 5:6-8; Galatians 5:9; all KJV), a single weak link in any chain can weaken the entire chain and render it useless. When one foolishly wallows in a cesspool, the entire human race wallows. We are all interconnected in this fashion, and as such, we are all responsible for one another and to one another. To live in denial against this most basic truth is to become the weakest link of all.
Just as a small pinch of yeast can permeate an entire loaf and render it unclean (Exodus 12:15, 19-20; 13:6-7; 34:25; Leviticus 2:11; 6:17; 10:12; Amos 4; Matthew 13:33; Luke 13:20-21; Ist Corinthians 5:6-8; Galatians 5:9; all KJV), a single weak link in any chain can weaken the entire chain and render it useless. When one foolishly wallows in a cesspool, the entire human race wallows. We are all interconnected in this fashion, and as such, we are all responsible for one another and to one another. To live in denial against this most basic truth is to become the weakest link of all.
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