Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Theory Concerning Ancient Megalithic Ruins

(Note: this is a work in progress.  Proper citations and footnotes will be added when they become available.)

        Astounding ancient ruins have been discovered throughout the world, megalithic ruins constructed during a time when human civilization was supposed to consist of nothing more than mere hunter/gatherer tribes with no science and no system of writing. These ruins consist of massive stone blocks, many weighing hundreds of tons apiece, yet these blocks were quarried miles away from the construction site and cut with a precision that rivals or surpasses even our own modern technological skills. More than ten thousand years old, these megalithic ruins utterly lack any nearby sophisticated tools, heavy construction equipment, detailed blueprints, writings, or inscriptions that would even remotely suggest how so-called primitive hunter/gatherer tribes were able to build megalithic structures our so-called modern society simply cannot duplicate.
        Modern man in his academic arrogance always asserts his own views over evidence that stands in stark opposition. Scholars always assert that megalithic ruins such as Tiwanaku and Pumapunku of Bolivia, The Osirion of Abydos, the Giza Pyramids, the Great Sphinx of Egypt, the Bosnian Pyramids, and the buried structures of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey had to be built as recently as a few thousand years ago (or even a few hundred years ago) using simple tools, vast labor forces, and basic construction techniques. After considering the following questions, even a five-year-old child would have to disagree with these so-called scholars. Why would a "simple" people want to construct a building with massive, elaborately-fashioned stones weighing many hundreds of tons? If our modern heavy-construction equipment, many times stronger than the largest human labor-force, can barely move these massive stones (if it can even move them at all), then how on Earth could a tribe of "simple" people move them? How were these massive stones cut and fashioned with astonishing precision when most of them could have only been cut and fashioned with high-precision tools made of the hardest substances, and not with simple earthen tools made of stone, wood, soft copper, or bronze? (At Pumapunku, for example, massive stones made of diorite can only be fashioned with precision tools tipped with a harder substance like diamond, something the natives of that region did not have at all. And even if, as some scholars assert, the builders of Pumapunku somehow die-cast molten material to make these massive, elaborately-fashioned stones, then where are the die-cast molds used for the process, and how on Earth were a "simple" people capable of melting solid rock?) If a modern society like ours can only construct the most elaborate buildings and complexes by using blueprints and detailed written accounts, then how could these "less-than-modern" peoples build such elaborate megalithic structures without any blueprints and without any kind of writing whatsoever? And if so-called modern cultures are known for the written inscriptions on their crowning achievements of construction, then why do all of these ancient megalithic wonders utterly lack any kind of written inscription in any language? (Let it be noted, however, that of all the ancient megalithic ruins, most scholars have had to admit that both the Bosnian Pyramids and the Göbekli Tepe site are at least ten thousand years old, which still basically uproots just about every last hunter/gatherer theory in modern anthropology!)
        Now let's make things even more difficult and downright unbelievable. What do the aforementioned ancient megalithic mysteries, the science of neural networks, and chapters five through eleven of the Holy Bible's Book of Genesis have in common? On the surface of modern-day thinking, the flat-out answer would be absolutely nothing. But if one were to answer the challenge and dig beneath that surface, then the answer given would instead address the true nature of humanity at its highest and most elegant heights. Anthropologists have dogmatically stated that man evolved from primordial soup to technologically-advanced civilization, siting that human society consisted of nothing more than mere hunter/gatherer tribes some ten thousand years ago, and that these tribes had yet to discover farming and build modern civilization upon that time-honored foundation of agriculture. But the recent discovery of the ten-thousand-year-old Bosnian Pyramids and the equally ancient Göbekli Tepe site have tipped the evidence in favor of the Biblical view of humanity, namely, that humanity started out as a Supreme, Divine Being, then progressively devolved ("fell," according to the Bible) to this current, technologically-bulky civilization that requires machines and computers to perform the most complex, elaborate, difficult, dangerous, and seemingly miraculous tasks.
        Now for those aforementioned seven chapters in Genesis. The Book of Geneses, allegedly written by Moses, is one of the most enigmatic books in the Bible, largely because it compresses several thousand years of history (possibly up to ten thousand or more when one considers the Göbekli Tepe site) into its scant fifty chapters. In order to have truly done justice to that period of history, Genesis should have been a library instead of a mere fifty-chapter book. And the first eleven chapters of Genesis should account for nine tenths of that library. In those first eleven chapters, there are brief accounts of how G
OD RESTORED the Earth after an earlier global catastrophe, how the idyllic global climate, geology, and meteorology existed without any form of rain, how the first human couple was CREATED, how the first human couple fell, how human beings multiplied and created advanced civilizations, how the corrupt nature of humanity led to the extreme abuses of those advancements, how those abuses led to the global flood, how one man and his family survived that flood and solely repopulated the entire world, how humanity almost rebuilt the same advanced civilization as a corporate entity, and how GOD INTERVENED by DIVIDING humanity's language, race, and blood-type into numerous different groups, then SCATTERING those different groups abroad all over the harsh new post-flood Earth. There are also brief accounts of human lifespans reaching almost a thousand years in length before the flood, then shortened to between four hundred and five hundred years after the flood and before the DIVISION of the human race, and then shortened to less than two hundred and forty years after the DIVISION of the human race, gradually tapering off to the less-than-hundred-year average lifespan "modern" man suffers today. (If anything, Adam and the Antediluvian patriarchs were not at all some freaks of nature because of their near-millennial lifespans. It is we modern-day racially-divided "midgets of longevity" who are the genetic misfits, while Adam and his direct descendants were specimens of perfect genetic health.)
        Chapters five through eleven of Genesis faithfully document this incredible account of human longevity and its drastic decline. But how would such an immense longevity and its drastic decline impact human society as a whole? This is where the science of neural networks comes into play, and this is where things get really interesting. Every neural network, including the biological variety found in the human body, exists in a perpetually dynamic state, in that it is constantly growing and evolving in response to some form of external stimuli, always learning new methods of coordination between stimuli and response. The longer that neural network exists in its "world," the more elaborate its structure becomes, and the more it learns how to do. Likewise, the sooner you "kill off" a neural network, the less elaborate its final structure, and the less it is capable of doing. These same rules definitely apply to both the human brain and the human nervous system, the original neural networks. Even if there weren't any neural network science some ten thousand years ago, those same rules would have still applied. So far, we only know what to expect from the neural network of a human being who lives up to roughly one hundred years of age. And even so, the brain and nervous system of some elderly people actually begin to deteriorate due to the onslaught of old age, and so the neural network is already severely damaged by the time the individuals die. Thus it can be safely stated that no one in this present generation has ever witnessed how elaborate a neural network can grow, and what capabilities it can achieve, within a healthy individual who is two hundred years of age, or three hundred, or five hundred, or eight hundred, or older. Although we can theorize about what the brains and nervous systems of these exceptionally long-lived people must have been capable of, the true evidence of their miraculous achievements may have actually been calling out to us from those ancient megalithic ruins all along.
        "What's the connection," one may be asking in utter disbelief. First of all, let's consider again what is known of those ancient megalithic ruins. First, they're roughly ten thousand years old. Second, they consist of stone blocks weighing many hundreds of tons apiece, yet those same blocks were cut and fashioned with a skill that rivals or surpasses even our own. Third, those same stone blocks were quarried many miles away from their destination, and their sheer weight and size, coupled in some cases with extremely rough terrain, made it simply impossible for even an army of laborers to haul from quarry to construction site. Fourth, as elaborate as these megalithic ruins were, no blueprints and no writing have ever been found, and even the monumental stones themselves lack any kind of inscription in any language. And fifth, absolutely no heavy construction tools, no precision tools tipped with a hard substance like diamond, and no elaborate measuring devices have ever been found at the ruins, not even a single hammer. Now, rather than considering these things to be impossible, how about considering them to be miraculous instead? What was the neural network of a three-hundred-year-old human being capable of? What happens when that human being is several hundred years older? What if these ancient people didn't have heavy construction equipment or tools because they simply didn't need such equipment or tools? What if they didn't have blueprints or writing because they simply didn't need either of them? And what if they didn't have sophisticated computers, global telecommunications, or the Internet to rapidly exchange and coordinate important information about their projects because they simply didn't need any of those electronic devices? Even in a "limited-longevity" human race such as this modern generation, there are still anomalous developments in the neural networks of a few individuals, developments that result in paranormal abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, remote viewing, and levitation, to name but a few. In a race of human beings that lived to be four hundred or five hundred years of age, such paranormal abilities must have been more than commonplace, which is why these people gave G
OD a run for the money in chapter eleven of Genesis! And in a race of human beings that lived to almost one millennium in age (with most of them also being immediate descendants of Adam, who was CREATED as a mature adult by the very HAND of GOD), those same abilities must have truly been off the charts, which is why those people were called the "Nephilim," the "Giants in the Earth," and why the abuse of those same overwhelming abilities resulted in the great flood.
        Of our modern day, Jesus Christ said that things would be the same at His eventual Return as they were during the days of Noah, i.e. the Antediluvian Age, or the Age of the Nephilim. Today, we have advanced computers and the global Internet. Antediluvian man did not need such a computer because the neural network of his centuries-old brain could outstrip any and every computer we have today. And Antediluvian people did not need the Internet because the collective telepathic power of their centuries-old brains perpetually generated a global telepathic network containing more information than one billion of our Internets combined, information that included complex thoughts, ideas, experiences, and emotions as well as animated three-dimensional images, sounds, smells, tastes, tactile sensations, and words. The telepathic network probably existed after the flood as well, until G
OD DIVIDED the human race and SHORTENED the human lifespan. All thoughts, objects, emotions, and concepts are still associated with words, so the DIVIDING of human language stifled man's ability to maintain the telepathic network by placing linguistic barriers between the people's brains. Instead of being like one group of radios all tuned to the same frequency, their brains became like multiple groups of different radios tuned to drastically different frequencies. As the years passed, and the different races also began to realize that their drastically decreasing longevity was about to take away the last of their telepathic abilities and their vast mental archives, systems of physical writing and reading had to be developed in order to save what precious little information remained. The written archives that contributed to the writing of Genesis were probably compiled when the feeble remains of the dying telepathic networks were finally snuffed out like a small flame. Today, we use heavy construction equipment and powerful cutting-tools to work with heavy stone masonry. Antediluvian man's augmented telekinetic abilities enabled him to work the stone with his very thoughts, and then transport the stone by levitating it with his mind. These abilities were as innate to him as flexing an arm or a leg is to modern man, which is why Antediluvian man simply didn't need any heavy construction equipment or powerful cutting-tools to build his amazing megalithic monuments. But again, the decline in longevity took away those abilities as well, which is why man had to develop tools and devices to do the same jobs. The innate ability of human flight suffered the same tragedy. Antediluvian man had no need for any kind of flying machine. His advanced telekinetic abilities enabled him to levitate himself and fly at will. If he could levitate massive stone blocks weighing many hundreds of tons, then he could easily levitate himself. But again, as humanity's longevity declined, so did the innate ability of self-levitation and human flight, until even the memory of that ability vanished from all but the most obscure fables and the deepest of subconscious dreams. The harsh new post-flood Earth, the DIVISION of humanity, and the drastically shortened human lifespan were challenges humanity had never seen before. As such, humanity had absolutely no countermeasures for dealing with those challenges and protecting superhuman capabilities. Otherwise, the Antediluvian people would have gone out of their way to protect the delicate geological balances that maintained their ecologically perfect environment, ambassadors from every newly-DIVIDED race would have worked together tirelessly to develop telepathic translation matrices and break through the telepathic language-barriers, and people everywhere would have developed some standard form of unified healing and group power-meditation techniques aimed at massively accelerating the development of superhuman telepathic and telekinetic abilities to a rate that would fit within the horrendously brief new lifespan. Unfortunately, hindsight is always twenty-twenty, and by the time humanity had fully grasped what was being TAKEN AWAY, it was already too late.
        Then again, according to the Bible, the R
EMOVAL of man's superhuman capabilities actually SAVED man's very life. Consider what man became in chapter six of Genesis. It's not at all impossible to imagine the overwhelming violence a superhuman with basic moral frailties would commit. Even in our day, people have been known to commit some of the most horrendous wrongs, like the violent terrorist attacks that claimed thousands of innocent lives on September 11th, 2001. People have been known to shoot, stab, beat to death, violently rape, or poison each other over money, power, race, beliefs, sex, love, or any combination of the aforementioned and numerous other reasons. Even non-violent crimes like lying, cheating, and stealing are moral frailties that can pose a major threat when the person committing those crimes is as superhumanly powerful as the average Antediluvian. These people were not called the Nephilim for nothing. Lamech, a descendant of Cain the Murderer, had a ridiculously pronounced thirst for violence, and he even bragged about it to both of his wives. At some point in the Antediluvian world, people with superhuman powers probably built their megalithic structures as fortresses of defense, namely, defense against the more bloodthirsty elements of their society, very much like the gated communities that protect residents against crime in our modern society. Unfortunately, Antediluvian man's power became too great, even for those megalithic fortifications. The most violent Antediluvians had the telekinetic power to "think a man or woman to death," violently twisting the victim's vital organs into the most convoluted pretzels, cooking the victim's brain inside the skull, or snapping the victim's neck like a small twig. And as their powers increased, so did their appetite for violence, fueled by the most basic forms of human selfishness, pride, greed, lust, and wrath. Instead of merely taking vengeance against one individual, an angry Antediluvian eventually became capable of simultaneously slaughtering millions of innocent people with a single thought. The final use of awesome telekinesis to turn gigantic underground magma-chambers into super-weapons of mass destruction was what led to the great flood. Originally, those magma-chambers were located near numerous equally-large underground water-tables, at just the right distance to cause a light mist to come up from the ground and water the face of the Earth, as described in Genesis. At the same time, a vast high-altitude layer of vaporized water (in Genesis, the "waters above the firmament"), known as the "aquasphere," maintained an ideal atmospheric pressure and protected the Antediluvian environment from the debilitating levels of radiation we suffer today. When the magma-weapon was first used to engulf and destroy a city of many millions, this caused an astonishingly tremendous geological imbalance that led to catastrophic, mind-boggling tectonic shifts. Destroying countless other cities, those tectonic shifts, and the additional geological imbalances they caused, created numerous gigantic ruptures in the underground water-tables, unleashing trillions of gallons of water upon the entire surface of the Earth: these were the fountains of the great deep being broken up, as documented in Genesis. The unnatural temperature-changes caused by the magma-weapon also disrupted the aquasphere, resulting in a tremendous global rainfall that lasted for almost a month and a half. Both sources of water completely covered the entire planet by many thousands of feet in depth, and even after the waters receded to form new underground water-tables, the world's oceans were still several thousand feet higher than they were in the Antediluvian world.
        Now it would be easy for one of us to say, "Man's ability to love, forgive, and express brotherhood could have easily held his baser nature in check." But those are words that come from many thousands of years of experiences, including D
IVINE INTERVENTIONS at numerous points in human history. Antediluvians had no such experiences and no such DIVINE INTERVENTIONS. In fact, the only major DIVINE INTERVENTION they had was when Adam and Eve were THROWN OUT of the Garden of Eden for blatantly betraying their MAKER. Afterwards, they had to be TAUGHT how to Offer animal Blood-Sacrifices (the Sign of the future Messiah) in order to Fellowship with GOD. Aside from the lineage of Antediluvian patriarchs that led up to Noah and his family, absolutely no one else retained GOD in their thoughts, not even in their most sacred reflections. In a world of billions, with the most sophisticated global telepathic network that has ever existed to date, only eight people Walked with GOD. That GOD was completely absent from the hearts and minds of just about the entire Antediluvian world (except for Noah and his family, those eight people) was the very reason that the wickedness of man was great in all the Earth, with every thought and every imagination of the Antediluvian heart consisting of only evil continually, as documented in Genesis. Human selfishness reigned supreme, and the Antediluvians' superhuman powers only elevated that selfishness to astonishing heights.
        Although the wording of Genesis doesn't directly suggest it, G
OD is LOVE. HE COULD have easily DESTROYED Adam and Eve for their grievous offense (and HE WOULD have been JUSTIFIED in SO DOING), but HE DIDN'T. HE COULD have ALLOWED the entire world to perish in the flood, but HE SAVED Noah, his family, and all the living creatures that boarded the ark. And there are numerous places in the Bible where GOD BRINGS evil and suffering upon people as well as BRINGING goodness and prosperity. But upon closer examination of Biblical books like Job, one will find that Satan or some other entity is the one actually causing the evil and the suffering while GOD, WHO OWNS everything and everyone by default, CLAIMS Responsibility. For spiritually immature people who had yet to be SAVED by the Messiah, GOD HAD to CLAIM Responsibility for the evil and the suffering so that they would continue to Worship HIM. Humanity already had a problem with running after false gods (i.e. gods that didn't exist), so if GOD HADN'T TIGHTENED the reigns by CLAIMING Responsibility for the good and for the evil, the people would have turned aside and Worshipped Satan, who is very much a real being. GOD is LIGHT, and as such, there is absolutely no darkness in HIM at all. Therefore, GOD is ETERNAL LOVE. HE may have CLAIMED Full Responsibility for the flood, even SAYING in Genesis that HE CAUSED it, but it was a truly violent and unbelievably powerful humanity that destroyed the former world. And GOD DIVIDED humanity into numerous races in order to PREVENT that level of superhuman empowerment, which inevitably led to superhuman destruction, from ever occurring again.
        No matter how ancient, astonishing, and overwhelming megalithic ruins like the Giza Pyramids, Pumapunku, and the Bosnian Pyramids may be, common sense should always remind us that anything in ruins is a grand testament of its failure to survive. You don't put a classic, mint-condition Rolls Royce in the junkyard to be wrecked. Neither would you keep driving a filthy, worn-out Ford Pinto with a bad transmission and a busted engine block. Likewise, ruins that belong to an ancient, long-dead civilization are the ultimate statement of a civilization that didn't work. Otherwise, if that civilization did work, then the same civilization in its entirety would still be with us today, and it would show absolutely no signs of decay or collapse at any time. Instead of being in ruins, the megalithic structures of the Sphinx and the Osirion would still be in use today if the civilizations that built them were continued success-stories instead of ultimate failures. Apparently, the incredibly skilled, amazingly powerful individuals who built those ruins still failed to overcome the moral frailties of human selfishness and wanton corruption which eventually destroy any great civilization, explaining why their greatest monuments lie in ruins today. If anything, those and many other ancient ruins around the world should be considered ominous warnings to our so-called "advanced modern-day civilization": the same unchecked moral frailties that completely wiped out their civilization could easily do the same to ours.

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