Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Quest for Godlike Powers

(Footnotes and citations are pending.)

        The Antediluvian soul was not that much different from the modern-day one. The one thing that has been a common quest throughout all human history is power. Although the mechanical inventions used by modern-day humanity are desperately inferior to the innate superhuman powers possessed by nearly every Antediluvian person, all humanity has demonstrated the desire for power and control in varying degrees. That is because humanity was M
ADE in the IMAGE of GOD, the SOURCE of all power. Nevertheless, the Human Blueprint is dangerously incomplete so long as the human being refuses to Submit his or her will to the WILL of GOD, and the danger comes from having a being with immense godlike powers and absolutely no moral character whatsoever. Antediluvian humanity found this out the hard way, through the violent abuse of their godlike powers, which directly caused the global flood that completely destroyed the entire First Earth and every living thing in it. Even though GOD CLAIMED Full Responsibility for the flood, like a parent claiming full responsibility for the destructive actions of a spoiled-rotten child, it was Antediluvian humanity that directly caused the flood, even as the spoiled brat was the one committing the destructive actions.
        Shocking as it may be to those modern-day individuals who study the Biblical Book of Genesis, there was no death penalty in Antediluvian society. Even though G
OD SAID that a sevenfold vengeance would be taken on anyone who murdered Cain in retaliation against the murder of his brother Abel, that "vengeance" didn't clearly specify a death penalty. There's nothing "sevenfold" about being put to death: you're just put to death, plain and simple. If Genesis had clearly recorded GOD as SAYING that anyone who killed Cain would be put to death, then there would have been recorded evidence of a death penalty in Antediluvian society. Ultimately, the death penalty wasn't introduced until GOD MADE a Covenant with Noah after the flood. GOD HIMSELF takes absolutely no pleasure in killing any human being. Otherwise, instead of going through all the trouble of cursing Cain for the murder of Abel, then promising sevenfold vengeance against anyone who murdered Cain, GOD HIMSELF WOULD HAVE simply killed Cain and then sent his miserably wicked soul straight to Hell. If GOD COULD HAVE SAVED the entire First Earth from the flood, HE WOULD HAVE DONE SO. Unfortunately, Antediluvian humanity had rejected GOD so severely, that GOD COULD only SAVE Noah and his family. Out of a world of billions, only eight people could be SAVED.
        (As a side-note, let it be understood that the death penalty was I
NTENDED by GOD to be a method of prevention, not of punishment. Punishing an individual implies that the individual endures the suffering as a means of correcting him or her, but also that the individual survives to regret the offense he or she committed. The death penalty, on the other hand, was INTENDED to prevent a known murderer from claiming any more victims. If you have willfully committed an act of murder without any just cause, then you should NOT be allowed to live.)
        Although Antediluvian humanity had the same human soul, the same desires for power, and the same moral frailties possessed by modern humanity, nearly all remaining similarity ended there because of two major differences, average longevity and race. These following ideas can only be put forth as speculation, simply because there are no living human test-subjects available who are at least nine-hundred years of age, and there are no living human test-subjects available who originate from the pre-D
IVIDED human race. The GODLY LIMITATIONS PLACED upon human longevity and racial unification were INTENDED to PREVENT Fallen humanity from ever regaining the very superhuman, godlike powers that completely destroyed the First Earth. The following describes how these powers may have been acquired, and what effects those powers may have had upon the human individual. It has already been known for quite some time that everything in the Universe has its own unique resonant frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum, and that everything in nature moves with its own unique rhythm and pattern. Everything that exists in the physical realm has a profoundly organized structure consisting of perfect mathematical patterns and geometric order, and all of these patterns resonate with a natural harmonic vibration that fills and permeates the entire Universe. All matter and energy can be affected, altered, rearranged, and controlled by these harmonic, resonant patterns, regardless of size, weight, magnitude, or composition. As a human being lives for many decades, then centuries, without experiencing old age until the ninth century, his or her healthy brain and nervous system undergo profound changes as a result of being bathed in these Universal harmonic vibrations for so many centuries. Because the human brain and nervous system are a neural network, the very one modern-day computer scientists use for their designs of artificial neural networks, that original neural network is also dynamic, always growing and building new communication pathways within itself in order to interface more harmoniously and more productively with its external environment. As such, any human neural network subjected to the Universe's natural harmonic energy fields for hundreds of years develops a highly structured, extremely powerful bioelectric field capable of exerting strong enough harmonic vibrations, with intricate enough patterns, to literally bend and reshape matter and energy at will. This human being would be capable of superhuman abilities such as levitation, telekinesis, and, in more extreme cases, transmutation and teleportation. Furthermore, the resonant, harmonic nature of this augmented human bioelectric field would also enable the human being to transmit and receive astronomical quantities of information, giving rise to extremely superhuman versions of telepathy, clairvoyance, and remote viewing. And the complexity of a healthy human brain many centuries of age would surpass that of our most powerful modern-day super-computers. With all of these superhuman, godlike abilities combined, such a race of human beings could build the most complex, mathematically precise, astronomically aligned megalithic structures consisting of numerous hundred-ton stones fashioned and placed with an astonishing geometric precision. They could fashion the stones with transmutation, place them with telekinesis, and maintain complete blueprints of the whole structure in their minds, communicating the blueprints to one another telepathically. As for mathematical and geometric precision, along with astronomical alignment, each individual's brain and nervous system were so finely tuned to Universal rhythms through centuries of exposure to those natural harmonic energies, none of those centuries-old people would ever have to actively observe the rhythms of the Earth, of nature, of the planets, or of the stars: they could simply feel those rhythms in their entirety, and so the geometric precision and astronomical alignments of their megalithic structures were implemented more out of habit than by deliberate design. Sensitivity to those rhythms and patterns would have become every bit as innate as time dilation over the centuries, where the years would pass like weeks, then like days, then like hours, and then like minutes due to the centuries of repetition. Modern-day people can scarcely appreciate such sensitivity because their average longevity is a mere fraction of the near-millennial lifespans of their Antediluvian ancestors. One biological element playing a key factor in this near-millennial lifespan was the augmented ability of cellular regeneration. Before the Tower of Babel Incident in the Book of Genesis, where GOD DIVIDED humanity into numerous language-groups, races, and blood-types, the human body may have actually been capable of replacing severed limbs, damaged organs, dead nerve cells, and dead muscle cells. This may have been accomplished through the use of "blank" or "stem" cells, which the body could have produced in any quantity from any organ or tissue. With a specific set of hormonal, chemical, and bioelectric instructions originating from special genetic code, those blank cells would have immediately rushed to the damaged area, assumed the characteristics and identities of the dead or missing cells, and then immediately replaced them. But the DIVISION of humanity during the Tower of Babel Incident may have completely damaged or erased that special genetic code responsible for those regenerative instructions, which means that those blank cells would have no longer had anything to regulate, control, and guide them. The complete absence of this control mechanism might very well explain why blank cells rapidly mutate into cancer cells, why nerve and muscle cells seem irreplaceable, and why damaged organs and lost limbs seem so impossible to restore.
        Both the global flood and the G
ODLY DIVISION of the human race had a severely humbling effect on humanity's quest for godlike powers, in that it limited the average human lifespan in such a way that prevented any man or woman from ever acquiring the advanced neural network, the complex bioelectric field, the harmonic sensitivity and augmented power exerted by that bioelectric field, and the extreme capacity for cellular regeneration innately belonging to any Antediluvian who had been around for many centuries. Nevertheless, back in the Antediluvian world, where there was no instituted death-penalty for murder, where a great percentage of the people were falling away from GOD, and where not all godlike powers were equal, numerous less-powerful tribes in those days may have already experimented with methods and devices aimed at rapidly accelerating the development of their augmented superhuman abilities of telepathy, clairvoyance, extremely remote viewing, telekinesis, transmutation, and teleportation. These tribes may have conducted their experiments for defensive purposes, to protect themselves against those more violent tribes that also had greater powers. These defensive Antediluvian tribes may not have known it, but their experiments would become the instrumental foundation of Fallen humanity's future quests for godlike powers. Although fringe archeologists have theorized that the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually an ancient power-generator, and not a royal tomb, the Giza power-generator theory is only half-right. The fact that the surrounding Egyptian ruins have yet to yield any kind of ancient electric wiring or circuitry means that the Pyramid was not created to provide power to any electric device. Instead, the mathematical engineering of the Pyramid as a resonant system was specifically intended to create a unique bioelectric energy-broadcast consisting of complex harmonic patterns and resonant frequencies. The materials intentionally used to build the Pyramid, the use of the Golden Ratio (i.e. "0.5 + (1.25 ^ 0.5)," or 2cos36°, or 1.6180339...) throughout the entire design, the structure of the reaction chambers, conduits, and exhaust shafts, and the natural chemicals that were mixed inside the Pyramid to cause the electrochemical reaction were all specifically utilized for the process of generating this unique energy-broadcast. As suggested earlier in the defensive experiments of the lesser Antediluvian tribes, the Pyramid's energy-broadcast may have accelerated the growth of godlike superhuman powers in those individuals subjected to the energy-broadcast for a certain amount of time. The energy-broadcast may have accomplished this by re-aligning the human bioelectric field and accelerating the growth of the human brain and nervous system to form the highly specialized, extremely elaborate neural network necessary for the manifestation of those godlike superhuman powers, powers once belonging only to the oldest and most adept Antediluvians. Aside from the use of pyramids, there may have also been many other different examples of artificially accelerated power-acquisition in the Antediluvian world. One of these other examples, briefly documented in the Book of Genesis, illustrates how the more perverse men of some tribes allowed their equally-perverse wives to copulate with fallen angels that had taken human form, then adopted and step-fathered the resulting angelic-human nephilim as their own sons, thus giving those sons the authority to utilize their inherited angelic powers in the physical realm to benefit those tribes. Another, more grisly example involved human sacrifice, where captives from a rival tribe were ritualistically slaughtered upon a specifically designed altar so that the forces of darkness and occult powers could enter into the physical realm and supernaturally empower both those participants who committed the violent ritual and those spectators who chanted the invocations. Of all the three aforementioned examples, the use of pyramid energy-broadcasts seemed to be the most widespread method, as evidenced by the numerous megalithic pyramid ruins throughout the world. Ritual copulation with angels was permanently lost after the flood because the guilty angels have been imprisoned in darkness until Judgment Day, as written by the apostle Jude. (Some modern-day occultists may claim to have committed ritual sex-acts with spirits, but this is hardly the same as women getting pregnant through sex with angels.) As for human sacrifice, the practice has survived the flood, but few advanced societies practice it because of the horrific bloodshed involved and the vile spiritual forces invoked by that bloodshed. Pyramid energy-broadcasts involved none of the extreme rigors required by human sacrifice or ritual copulation: all one had to do was simply live, work, play, and sleep within the broadcast radius of the pyramid, and the pyramid's energy did the rest. Even the Biblical Tower of Babel may have been yet another pyramid energy-broadcast project, built long after the flood, but precisely patterned after the Antediluvian versions. Because harsher post-flood geological and meteorological conditions diminished human power and shortened the average human lifespan to half of its original near-millennial length, the building of this project may have required a corporate effort on the part of every family and tribe, which is why the GODLY DIVISION of the human race completely destroyed the project before it could be fully constructed and activated. GOD MADE it very clear that humanity in its Fallen, pre-SALVATION condition would never again be allowed to obtain such power. And it is also quite possible that the ancient historians who contributed the material for Genesis, as well as Moses the alleged author of the book, omitted such details of power-acquisition because GOD COMMANDED them to. It was never a coincidence that all of our most amazing technological achievements this side of the great flood (i.e. automobiles, advanced aircraft, manned space-flights to the Moon, telecommunications, supercomputers, the Internet, nanotechnology, chemical engineering, genetic engineering, advanced medical breakthroughs, etc.) occurred after the SACRIFICE, Burial, and RESURRECTION of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the SON of the LIVING GOD, and none of them before. After the Cross of Christ Jesus FULFILLED all Creation, an unprecedented flood of knowledge and wisdom, including all the most ancient secrets hidden for millennia, has been MADE fully available to humanity.
        What modern-day humanity has done with the aforementioned flood of knowledge and wisdom is an entirely different story altogether. Before His S
ACRIFICIAL Death on the Cross, Jesus Christ Said that the world would be in the same condition at His Return as it was in the days of Noah. Disturbing events in recent history have already begun to manifest this prophecy. Human violence has skyrocketed throughout the world, and only seems to be worsening with each passing day. Modern medicine may be on the verge of undoing all the genetic manipulation that has rendered humanity powerless and mortal, but people have scarcely improved their own sense of moral character. The use of sex-rituals as a means of supernatural empowerment, and the occult killing of innocent victims as a means of acquiring dark powers, have both survived into modern times, once again filling the Earth with perversion, corruption, and violence. And with current levels of telecommunications, computer technology, electrical engineering, and material engineering, one could easily build a modern-day energy-broadcast device capable of accelerating the growth of the human brain and nervous system towards superhuman empowerment. But would these new godlike abilities really improve the human condition, or only worsen it even further? What has history already demonstrated? Time and again, those who have had the most power have committed the worst atrocities against others. And the greater the power, the more profound the corruption. The theft of Native-American land by greedy Europeans, African-American Slavery (committed by the same Europeans), the Jewish Holocaust in Nazi Germany, the Kurdish Genocide in Iraq, and numerous other recent atrocities have escalated within the past three centuries alone. And as wealthy, imperialistic elitists (mostly European) secretly strive to establish their own global dominion, the violence and corruption only increase with each passing year. Any great power in the hands of the absolutely immoral is an abomination. And soon, this great power will become no less than that wielded by the Antediluvian ancestors who caused the great flood. In those coming days, humanity's power will become so great, that only ONE, WHOSE POWER SURPASSES the collective ability of everyone alive, WILL BE ABLE to PREVENT the resulting human cataclysms from completely destroying the entire world. HE will not be the one-world ruler who will come first and bring about a false peace with his evil hand of iron, followed by a chaos, terror, and global bloodshed unlike any prior period other than the Antediluvian Age. Instead, HE WILL HAVE the TESTIMONY of the HOLY CROSS upon HIS VERY BEING, and the WORD from HIS MOUTH WILL SIMPLY DESTROY that evil one-world ruler with Everlasting Damnation. HE is known as Yeshua the Messiah and as Jesus Christ, and HE is the WORD of the ETERNAL GOD, the AUTHOR and SOURCE of ALL POWER. Jesus is the REASON humanity can Stand before the PRESENCE of GOD and actually Call GOD "FATHER." And Jesus is the REASON GOD, the LOVING FATHER, CAN POUR OUT HIS INFINITE POWER and ETERNAL LOVE upon any man, woman, or child who Truly Believes. The true quest for godlike powers is really the Quest for GOD, and those who Seek GOD Wholeheartedly shall Find HIM (Jeremiah 29:13).

Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

One Hundred and Twenty Years

(Footnotes and citations are pending.)

        In Genesis, G
OD SAID that HIS SPIRIT shall not always STRIVE with man since man is also flesh, therefore man's days would be limited to one hundred and twenty years. At the time GOD was recorded as having SAID this, the average human lifespan fell between nine hundred years and one thousand years, roughly eight times longer than the hundred-and-twenty-year limit humanity suffers today. Two factors brought about this limitation, the first of which being the global flood caused by the radical abuse of superhuman powers, and the second of which being the DIVISION of humanity into numerous language-groups, races, and blood-types. The first factor was brought about by a corrupt humanity, even though GOD CLAIMED Full Responsibility for it, much like a parent claiming full responsibility for the publicly destructive actions of his or her spoiled-rotten child. The second factor was pretty much like that same parent, having fully gotten fed up with that same child's disrespectful and destructive behavior, hauling off and giving that child a spanking to be remembered for the rest of Eternity, and then grounding that child for a week. (And since a day with the LORD is as a thousand years, one week would amount to seven thousand years, which sounds like a perfectly good spiritual grounding.) As a being who was MADE in the IMAGE of GOD, man had to realize that he was Responsible for Relying on GOD in every way, and that this Reliance was (and is) necessary for man's very right to exist. But man, with his selfish, rebellious god-complex (well, he was CREATED after GOD'S LIKENESS), did not want to Rely on GOD for his own Power, and that is what has consistently done man in.
        When G
OD DIVIDED the human race in order to STOP the Babel Project, HE also MANIPULATED human genetics to IMPOSE further limits on human longevity and superhuman power. Evidence of this can be seen in the sudden drop in longevity between the patriarch Eber and his son Peleg, whom Eber so named because of being born after humanity was DIVIDED. In the Book of Genesis, Peleg's own father Eber outlived him by 191 years, even though Eber was 34 years of age when Peleg was born. But that wasn't all. Eber's father Salah outlived Peleg by 130 years, Salah's father Arphaxad outlived Peleg by 100 years, Arphaxad's father Shem outlived Peleg by 160 years, and Shem's father Noah outlived Peleg by 10 years. Peleg died at age 239 while his father Eber outlived him and died at age 464. Peleg's own great-great-great-grandson Abram (also known as Abraham, the great man of faith), born when Peleg was age 191, died at age 175. This means that Eber outlived Abraham by 64 years, Salah outlived Abraham by 3 years, and Shem outlived Abraham by 33 years. This also means that Shem, who may have very well been quite physically fit at age 567, watched as faithful Abraham died of old age at 175. It is quite apparent that GOD drastically ALTERED our chromosomes, which included the extreme SHORTENING of our telomeres, the chromosomal end-caps that determine when cells cease from regenerative division and die without replacement. Not only did those genetic limitations cause protein synthesis and DNA repair to malfunction far sooner than before, but they also introduced an even more dangerous defect, cancer. After the Tower of Babel, every human body has had to deal with and destroy some form of cancer at multiple points in time. Most of us are entirely unaware of these internal "cancer wars" because the cancer cells go through multiple cellular division processes so quickly, they completely exhaust their chromosomal telomeres and die, making it easy for the immune system to quickly destroy all the cancer cells and clean up the mess. But within those people dying of cancer, the telomeres within the cancer cells have been lengthened through telomerase, which means that the cells now wildly multiply at a rate far beyond the immune system's capacity to stop them, literally choking the victim's vital organs and tissues to death with their horrific numbers. Since a technologically advanced human race would have considered telomerase as a means of re-extending human longevity to its previous length of five hundred to one thousand years, with five hundred years being the average lifespan around the Tower of Babel, and one thousand years around the Antediluvian Age, cancer acts as a booby-trap against such genetic manipulation. The moment anyone tries to use telomerase to extend his or her lifespan is the moment he or she dies of cancer. Furthermore, the fact that our chemical and nuclear technologies produce carcinogens, substances and radiations that trigger fatal cancer within a victim, also poses obstacles and limitations against extreme technological advancement in those fields. It is quite apparent that we were to never again become the Antediluvian Abomination responsible for destroying an entire world. We were to never again become an immoral race of beings with godlike powers.
        Nevertheless, if anything, humanity is a determined creature, and numerous strides in genetic science and engineering will soon produce definitive cures for all forms of cancer and other genetic defects. But if humanity is not morally ready when science finally does eliminate both the longevity barrier and the biological limitations that currently prevent the human brain and nervous system from harnessing and manipulating quantum energy and supernatural powers on a massive scale, then may G
OD HAVE MERCY on our souls.

Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 3, 2012


(Footnotes and citations are pending.)

        Numerous people throughout the world claim to have proof of reincarnation through what they believe to be past-life memories. Some have undergone hypnosis to bring those memories to the surface, claiming that their journey into the metaphysical is rooted in some prior life as an advanced psychic scientist in Atlantis or Lemuria. And, of course, many pragmatists have laughed these New-Age people to scorn, while numerous Christians accuse those "New-Agers" of being possessed with the devil. All three groups are wrong. The New-Age people have no legitimate proof of reincarnation (and this will be explained later), the pragmatists need to stop writing off physically intangible things as unreal, and the Christians need to stop declaring any and every misunderstood phenomenon as an act of the devil.
        First, one must consider the notion of reincarnation, and how that notion runs contrary to several spiritual events that have taken place (or will take place) in history. The most notable spiritual event is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself knew that He was going to be killed on a cross, yet He insisted on being put to death in this horrific fashion, claiming that His death would C
LEANSE the entire human race of its sin-nature. If people could endure repeated reincarnations in order to perfect themselves (as the Hindus claim), then why would one man, called the SON of GOD, SACRIFICE His Very Life to CLEANSE the entire human race? And if the Bible says that it is appointed to every man to die once, and then to be JUDGED, then what room is there for reincarnation, which would imply dying more than once? And if Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all speak of a final Resurrection of the dead, where the dead will then be Judged, then how can anyone be reincarnated as another person and Resurrected as the original person at the same time?
        Now for what many have mistakenly called "past-life memories" or "Satanic possession," the memories are neither, in that they have nothing to do with reincarnation and they have nothing to do with the devil. Although people rely primarily upon physical human memory, which is limited to what an individual experiences from birth onward, human beings also have a spiritual memory, which is passed on from parents to children, and which spans all generations, all the way back to Adam and Eve, the first parents of all humanity. Spiritual memory expresses itself from the deepest subconscious dreams and during the deepest forms of hypnosis and meditation. The spiritual memories of all the Antediluvian patriarchs from Adam to Noah are embedded deep within the spirit of every last human being that has been born after the flood. Those Antediluvian memories include centuries-long lifespans and the rise of amazingly augmented forms of telekinesis, telepathy, levitation, transmutation, teleportation, and numerous other superhuman abilities. There are also memories of the global telepathic network that once existed long before the invention of writing, memories of massively elaborate megalithic wonders built entirely with superhuman mental powers, memories of forbidden relations with supernatural beings that had wrongfully taken physical form, memories of the radical abuses of superhuman mental powers to gratify the most horrendously selfish appetites, and memories of the violent global flood that resulted from the superhuman telekinetic use of the Earth's molten interior as a super-weapon of mass-destruction. What one might think is a past-life memory of Atlantis is really an inherited spiritual memory from numerous advanced ancient civilizations, extending all the way back to the Antediluvian world, the most advanced of them all.
        What Christians sorely need to realize is that, of all spiritual memory, theirs is the most powerful and the most supernatural of all. That is because Christians who are truly S
AVED have also been BAPTIZED with GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT, which means that Christians who are truly SAVED have a human spirit that has been MADE ONE with GOD'S SPIRIT, and this means that those Christians have INHERITED GOD'S INFINITE AND ETERNAL SPIRITUAL MEMORY, FILLING them with all the WISDOM, POWER, and LOVE of GOD HIMSELF. And Christians must Study GOD'S WORD RIGHTLY DIVIDED so that they can properly Discern all spiritual memory, with GOD'S WORD ACTIVATING all the MEMORIES of the HOLY SPIRIT within every Faithfully Obedient Believer. Memory is the Seat of identity, so to EXPERIENCE GOD'S VERY MEMORIES is to KNOW GOD HIMSELF.

Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

The Hundred Years

        Noah and his family spent one hundred years building the ark. For an Antediluvian who lived for almost a millennium, a hundred years would have been like a decade is to our modern-day world. But for modern man, a hundred years is practically an entire lifetime. For a modern-day human being who only lived for ninety-five years, Noah and his family would have started building the ark before that person was born, and then finished building the ark after that person died! That is how radically different Antediluvian humanity was from modern-day humanity, with many thousands of years between the two.
        Although the Antediluvians commonly built vast megalithic structures using their augmented telekinetic and telepathic abilities, Noah and his family took one hundred years to build the ark because they built it by hand, using basic tools and absolutely no superhuman powers whatsoever. G
OD INSTRUCTED them to build it by hand as a Sign against a violently corrupt Antediluvian world, a world that had utterly turned against GOD in any and every possible way. The Sign itself had a twofold message, the first and most common part being the impending global destruction humanity's actions were about to cause, and the second part being the complete REMOVAL of all superhuman powers through the radical SHORTENING of all human longevity, as exemplified through the building of the entire ark by hand. The Sign was around for a hundred years, which means that the knowledge of Noah's building-project and its significance were amply transmitted throughout the entire global telepathic network in the Antediluvian world, which meant that every last one of the eight billion human souls was aware of the ark. Nevertheless, every last one of those Antediluvian souls wrote off Noah and his family as insane, driven mad by this foolish end-time notion, even driven to the point of wasting so much time and energy building a gigantic boat by hand on dry land. They may have laughed and told jokes every time the ark was broadcast on the global telepathic network, but when the great flood destroyed their entire world, they weren't laughing anymore.

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