Saturday, February 7, 2009

Plug Up the Hole in the Bucket

For decades, even since the 1970s, the American economy has come to resemble a bucket with a hole in it. And for decades, we have been watching the dollars trickle out of this hole. Where do these leaking dollars wind up? Invested in other economies throughout the world, that's where, which really doesn't do us much good here. Every time we purchased a foreign product, more money leaked out of the hole. Every time businesses and retail stores purchased foreign bulk items to sell in their outlets, more money leaked out of the hole. Every time another business chose to offshore yet another myriad of jobs, more money leaked out of the hole. Every time money was sent to families outside of this country, more money leaked out of the hole. In short, every time the dollar leaves this country instead of circulating within the American economy, more money leaks out of the hole, and more money leaks out of the hole, and more money leaks out of the hole, until the bucket eventually becomes bone-dry. Which pretty much sums up the state of our economy today. I am not surprised that yet another 600,000 jobs were erased in just one day. And although I am aware that President Obama and the rest of Washington are doing the best they can to deal with the problem, they desperately need to do something else before they can even think of sinking another eight-hundred-billion dollars of OUR money into this economy. It would only make sense to plug up the hole in the bucket before trying to fill it with water again. Otherwise, I don't care if Obama sinks eight-hundred-TRILLION dollars into this economy: it will only wind up being converted into yet another Euro, Yen, or some other foreign currency somewhere else.