The most heinous atrocities can take place under cover of absolute secrecy. It wasn't until the Allied Forces invaded Nazi Germany that the full, horrific magnitude of the Jewish Holocaust was completely revealed. Had there been no money-trail between the Watergate burglars and President Nixon's Administration, Nixon would have gotten away with thoroughly undermining the Democratic Party. It was even discovered that Nixon secretly recorded every last private conversation that took place in the White House. And more recently, textile manufacturers and fashion outlets in America were charged with utilizing foreign slave-labor to manufacture the goods, with some of the sweat-shops located right here in the United States. Add to this list the following. American government covertly invades all of civilian privacy with top-secret electronic surveillance that has been conducted since the 1940s. American government covertly experiments with venereal diseases on unwary African-American populations in the 1950s. American government conducts top-secret mind-control experiments, which have taken place since the 1950s. And strong evidence has surfaced, alleging that the attacks of September 11th, 2001 were covertly carried out by an unholy alliance between the Bush Administration and corporate oil in order to establish an overwhelming national climate in favor of invading Afghanistan and Iraq. The limitless possibilities of absolute secrecy are now quite painfully obvious, if not altogether hideous. If the American people were to ever truly find out exactly how much of the nation's wealth and property are owned by foreign, multinational, and global corporations, versus how little of the same wealth and property are actually owned by the nation herself, the outrage might just spark a second American Revolution. In absolute secrecy, the most powerful people can imagine the most diabolical things. And with decades of absolute secrecy, even centuries, global imperialists can craftily orchestrate the conquest of the world. It was argued that certain members of the Masonic Order, including President George Washington himself, may have actually been the forerunners of our modern-day global imperialists, and that the birth of America was merely a stepping-stone towards global domination. Evidence may have been found on the back of the U.S. One Dollar Bill, the front of which bearing Washington's face. To the left is a drawing of a pyramid, with the cap-stone replaced by an eye within a triangle. Around that pyramid is a Latin inscription that reads "Annuit Cœptis Novus Ordo Seclorum," which roughly means "[He] Approved [the] Undertaking [of the] New World Order." "Novus Ordo Seclorum" means "New World Order," and President George Herbert Walker Bush (also a Mason) used that very phrase in his speech announcing the first invasion of Iraq in 1991, also known as "Operation Desert Storm" and "The Persian Gulf War." In the 1980s, when the same George H. W. Bush was Vice President in Ronald Reagan's Presidency, Reagan laid the foundation for the foreign ownership of American businesses and property, which became a forerunner of the modern global economy. At the same time, American labor forces within the very nation herself were being replaced by cheap immigrant labor, which became a forerunner of job outsourcing and offshoring. While on the surface all of these actions appear to be the result of rampant corporate greed, political corruption, and a heinous conflict of interests, the real, covert reason is the intentional, methodical, patient dismantling of the American democracy. America is becoming a nation that no longer belongs to herself, and her people as a whole have so little wealth (and so few means for acquiring wealth) that they have absolutely no way to defend themselves. And although the aforementioned Masons have been named as the global imperialists, they are not. The true global imperialists, a very small handful of extremely powerful people, are a super-secret sub-group derived from many super-secret sub-groups, which in turn are derived form many other super-secret sub-groups, which in turn are derived from many secretive groups like the Masons, the Trilateral Council, the Bilderberg Group, or the Skull and Bones. In reality, the global imperialists have neither a concrete name nor a place for their group, and going after them would make as much sense as fighting alone against a gigantic hundred-meter-long multi-headed hydra that also happens to be invisible. Until the global empire is fully established, no one will ever reveal the true identities of the global imperialists with hard evidence. And if you find that evidence, they will make sure that you never publish it, ever.
The problem with most Americans is that they don't get the big picture. They don't realize that their very nation and democratic way of life have huge bullseye targets on their foreheads and chests. And those who pride themselves on political activism have absolutely no idea what true activism really involves. It has to be much more than merely amassing huge numbers of people in the streets for hours of vocal protest. In fact, the aforementioned global imperialists simply laugh at such ridiculous protests while continuing to destroy America. The root of the average American's nearsightedness is "the luxurious consumer mentality" he or she has been brainwashed with since birth. With this mentality, emphasis is placed upon selfishness, wealth, pleasure, luxury, lust, gratification, and outright greed. Elements such as integrity, virtue, respectfulness, intellect, education, discipline, responsibility, culture, history, and memory are completely overshadowed, if not altogether abandoned, by the same mentality. As long as the American mind is kept inundated with these emotional torrents of unbridled hedonism and selfish greed, the ability to defend American democracy will remain dismantled. As such, Americans need to treat the luxurious consumer mentality as though it were the most lethal poison ever created. Now don't get it twisted. There is nothing wrong with you having things. But there is something terribly wrong when those things have you. And because of the luxurious consumer mentality, most of today's Americans belong to their things instead of their things belonging to them. As such, a luxurious consumer is nothing more than a glorified slave, and slavery is the mortal enemy of any democracy. Once the American has successfully eliminated the luxurious consumer mentality and all of its debilitating influences, he or she will then have a clear view of all the cash-flows and pertinent laws threatening to completely wipe out the American democracy. He or she will then know exactly how to completely cut off those cash-flows, overturn those laws, and then build wealth and assets that actually support democracy. Just like talk is cheap, vocal protest is worthless without appropriately organized legal, political, and financial action on every possible level. If it means actively boycotting every product or service produced by businesses that are directly or indirectly responsible for job outsourcing, offshoring, foreign slave-labor, unfair trade practices, environmental pollution, and a blatant violation of human rights, then it must be done. If it means refusing to support any politician or impeaching any politician who directly or indirectly supports the aforementioned unscrupulous businesses, then it must be done. If it means overturning laws made by the aforementioned politicians, then it must be done. And if it means that the American people must actively found their own grassroots organizations, build their own businesses, raise their own politicians, and pass their own laws to protect and defend democracy, then it absolutely must be done. The American people absolutely must put their money where their mouth is. Otherwise, no matter how many protest rallies there are, democracy will still fall.
At the same time, another major obstacle the American people must overcome in their defense of democracy is fear, especially the fear of death. Benjamin Franklin once said, "They that can give up their essential liberties to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." As such, the American people must remain determined in their defense of democracy, regardless of how viciously the covert elements of global imperialism destroy American property or kill American lives. Americans must understand that, in all honesty, global imperialism has long since declared war against all forms of democracy. And wars involve bloodshed. If the American is not ready to die for democracy, then he or she will never be ready to live for democracy. And although there may not ever be any damages, injuries, or deaths among the American people, they still need to defend democracy as though there will be. In a world of mortals, true Americans must always choose to die on their feet, never on their knees. Benjamin Franklin and the other founding fathers knew this all too well.
But even if Americans know what must be done to defend democracy against covert global imperialists who occupy high offices of power, will those Americans do it? Given that the majority of Americans spent eight long years sheepishly allowing George W. Bush and Richard Cheney to wreck the economy, make their nation the number-one polluter with regards to global warming, strip the common man of all human rights, turn the word "patriot" into a McCarthy-Era guillotine, and terrorize the nation into fighting two costly corporate oil-wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, what shape are the American people really in? And are the American people really in any shape to defend democracy at all? Merely electing a friendly new President, or a "getting down to the nitty-gritty" President, or a justice and reform President will not, in any way, stop the present onslaught of global imperialism. In fact, if the worst of disasters befalls this nation and brings to light that good President's humanity (or worse, his or her mortality), then the emerging supremacy of global imperialism will only be hastened. As stated earlier, people want peace and safety. And in a world where such peace and safety have grown increasingly scarce even in the most civilized societies, what will people willingly surrender in exchange for that peace and safety? Their dignity? Their essential liberties? Their human rights? Their democracy? Many Americans have already sold out to that extent during the 9/11 Bush Administration, and their fearful acquiescence has only proven that global imperialism is winning, and democracy is losing. And to those American cowards who foolishly believe that it's better to live on your knees than it is to die on your feet, what makes you think you're still alive? What good is it to go on breathing, eating, drinking, working, buying, selling, copulating, or doing anything else when you've lost your very soul? And how can any amount of wealth, or luxury, or property, or goods, or friendships, or sexual pleasure, or anything else in this world restore to you your very soul, your very dignity, integrity, and virtue? As stated earlier, if you are not ready to die for democracy, then you will never be ready to live for democracy. And as long as you continue to fearfully avoid this responsibility by drowning yourself in the lifestyle of the luxurious consumer mentality, then you are nothing more than a glorified slave, and as such, you are actually the mortal enemy of the very democracy you claim to defend (if you even claim to defend it at all). You will only reap what you sow. There are some who believe that democracy already died long ago, while others believe that it was nothing more than an elaborate lie since its very birth. Whatever the belief, advanced technology and the Information Age may have actually tightened the grip of mass conformity and totalitarian control upon the minds of the people rather than setting them free. As such, the stage is already set for global domination, as mentioned earlier.
From a religious standpoint, particularly that of the Christian faith, the Book of Revelation in the Holy Bible speaks of a supernaturally empowered leader, "the beast" or "Antichrist," ruling over the entire world for seven years, with the first half of his rule bringing a false yet overwhelmingly deceptive peace, and the last half bringing cataclysmic destruction and horrific violence throughout the globe. In order for the Antichrist to fulfill his destiny of world domination, a global imperial system must already be in place or at least be ripe for fruition. And with regards to other religions and cultures, there is the "doomsday prophecy" expected to occur on December 21, 2012, a date that is approximately three years from today. To date, the Biblical Antichrist has yet to assume absolute global power, let alone be made manifest. And according to the Bible, the height of his reign is to last for three and a half years, with the next three and a half years being filled with absolute global catastrophe. As such, the 2012 prophecies may not signify the absolute End of the World, but rather, the Beginning of the End, the Last Days, even the definitive death of American democracy, and ultimately, the imminent and uncontested rise of global imperialism.
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