Well, they’ve done it again! The Republicans, the last bastion of heinous selfishness and corporate greed, have managed to pass a “NO” vote in the Senate against President Obama’s Health Care Public Option. (And these political miscreants have the utter nerve to wonder why they’ve been labeled “The Party of ‘NO!’”) The funny thing is, nobody ever bothered to get the vote of taxpayers like myself with regards to the Public Option. Here’s why I’d vote “YES.”
First of all, I have Blue Cross CaliforniaCare as my Health Insurer via COBRA. Or should I say “I had.” Since I’ve fallen on rather difficult times within the past few months, I simply haven’t had the US$372.00 in monthly premiums to keep the accursed thing going. I am quite certain the policy has lapsed by now, so I truly cannot afford to get sick. And because I’ve had two work-related injuries to my lower-back, I would definitely be insured at the Substandard Insured mark, which means I’d have to pay well over US$400.00 per month. This I know from a lady-friend of mine who recently had to be treated for breast cancer. Because business with her company slowed down significantly this year, her manager got rid of everyone’s insurance options, which means that she now has to get health insurance on her own in order to continue her chemotherapy treatments. Her job already doesn’t pay her enough (She barely gets enough financial aid to help raise her young daughter.), and because of her “existing condition,” the LEAST expensive company wants a whopping US$600.00 in monthly premiums. What is she supposed to do if she can’t come up with the money? Die??? Well, THAT’S PRETTY MUCH WHAT THE SENATE REPUBLICANS TOLD HER AND JUST ABOUT EVERY OTHER AMERICAN TAXPAYER IN HER CONDITION.
I don’t know about you, but I am getting tired of the Republicans, big businesses, and private insurance companies telling me what I can and cannot do with my taxpayer money. I already pay enough taxes as it is, and I’d like to see some of those taxes diverted to a Public Health Insurance Fund that both I and my friend with breast cancer can have access to in time of serious need. Numerous other nations like Canada, Britain, France, and neighboring European nations already have Public Health Insurance (and, in some cases, ONLY Public Health Insurance), and their health care is still comparable to ours. Why are we letting President Nixon’s legacy of Private Corporate Health Insurance continue to rob the nation blind???
ADDENDUM: It would truly be unfair of me to put all of the blame on the backs of Republicans. Quite a few Democrats, whose morals were basically purchased by bribe-money from the big medical insurance corporations, also killed the Public Option. Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority who voted against the Option still consisted of, you guessed it, Republicans!
First of all, I have Blue Cross CaliforniaCare as my Health Insurer via COBRA. Or should I say “I had.” Since I’ve fallen on rather difficult times within the past few months, I simply haven’t had the US$372.00 in monthly premiums to keep the accursed thing going. I am quite certain the policy has lapsed by now, so I truly cannot afford to get sick. And because I’ve had two work-related injuries to my lower-back, I would definitely be insured at the Substandard Insured mark, which means I’d have to pay well over US$400.00 per month. This I know from a lady-friend of mine who recently had to be treated for breast cancer. Because business with her company slowed down significantly this year, her manager got rid of everyone’s insurance options, which means that she now has to get health insurance on her own in order to continue her chemotherapy treatments. Her job already doesn’t pay her enough (She barely gets enough financial aid to help raise her young daughter.), and because of her “existing condition,” the LEAST expensive company wants a whopping US$600.00 in monthly premiums. What is she supposed to do if she can’t come up with the money? Die??? Well, THAT’S PRETTY MUCH WHAT THE SENATE REPUBLICANS TOLD HER AND JUST ABOUT EVERY OTHER AMERICAN TAXPAYER IN HER CONDITION.
I don’t know about you, but I am getting tired of the Republicans, big businesses, and private insurance companies telling me what I can and cannot do with my taxpayer money. I already pay enough taxes as it is, and I’d like to see some of those taxes diverted to a Public Health Insurance Fund that both I and my friend with breast cancer can have access to in time of serious need. Numerous other nations like Canada, Britain, France, and neighboring European nations already have Public Health Insurance (and, in some cases, ONLY Public Health Insurance), and their health care is still comparable to ours. Why are we letting President Nixon’s legacy of Private Corporate Health Insurance continue to rob the nation blind???
ADDENDUM: It would truly be unfair of me to put all of the blame on the backs of Republicans. Quite a few Democrats, whose morals were basically purchased by bribe-money from the big medical insurance corporations, also killed the Public Option. Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority who voted against the Option still consisted of, you guessed it, Republicans!