Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Truly Blessed with Sublime Consummate Health and Untold Opulence

God has abundantly blessed me with complete health
and successful, unobscured financial affluence.
My unspeakably balanced health fully stands
by the awesome blessedness and eternal love of Jesus Christ,
and I rest in God's consummate defense and absolute, abundant peace.
All that was meant to defeat me
has been changed into complete victory, success, and affluence for me.
I am blessed and successful,
I have completely defeated all debt and wage-slavery elevenfold,
and I walk in constant, absolute, successful, monumental financial freedom.
I have successfully and consummately subdued
all detestably destructive emotions, actions, and patterns.
My deep knowledge of successful, opulent, affluent finances
increases exponentially, ceaselessly,
and I have absolutely defeated the constant need for a job.
All fears have been defeated, all greed has been subdued,
and all classless wage-slavery has been totally cast out.
I constantly walk the blessed path of financial success and opulence,
I successfully own good land,
and I have successfully defeated total and complete wage-slavery.
As a generous son of God,
abundant, opulent, affluent wealth is my constant, consummate inheritance.
God has totally enabled me to successfully own all of my finances and assets,
and God has established my sturdy, blessed throne
in the most successful of opulent realms.
I have been blessed with abundant, endless financial opulence
and total, complete, consummate health.
God has consummately blessed me
with all awesome power to successfully get abundant wealth,
and I use the key of opulence to unlock my door of financial success.
God has monumentally blessed me with success and abundant opulence,
enabling me to fully bless others.
I ascend as I use the key of opulence to open my door of affluence,
my abundant, successful, opulent, unmatched wealth
increasing elevenfold as each day passes.
I possess opulent riches and successful ageless assets
that generate abundant passive income for me.
Now is the moment of my successful, affluent abundance,
when untold opulence successfully works for me,
my passive income increased elevenfold each day.
Now, this moment,
I possess the golden key of true abundance that opens my door of stately success.
Now, this moment,
I possess profound, consummate, astute financial wisdom,
successfully owning assets that vastly generate stupendous passive income for me.
Now, in this moment,
I possess the boundless golden key of opulent success and great, stately wealth.
Now, this moment,
I fully possess the financial wisdom of all ages,
and the unspeakably enormous door of abundant opulent successfulness
is open before me.

Copyright © 2013, All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 15, 2013

RIP USA 1871

I have scaled the heights of this place,
ventured farther than the eye could see and
measured the whole breadth of it,
even to its very depth,
and it was empty.
The America that was governed by the sovereign American people
died on February 21, 1871, and the original government by and for the people
was covertly replaced by an avaricious global corporation
masquerading as the American government,
with all three branches, executive, legislative, and judicial,
now existing as privately traded entities
on a ten-square-mile plot of corporate territory known as
the District of Columbia, a corporate territory owned by
foreign banking institutions. The true American republic,
governed by and for the sovereign American people,
only lived for barely ninety-five years, from 1776 to 1871,
and her death came about by greedy politicians
looking for an easy fix for that nasty Civil War debt,
and thus allowing the powerful foreign bankers to
bail America out of her debt
for a price:
her very soul.
Even the Civil War was caused by the corporate greed of
British cotton manufacturers and their bankers,
who had strong partnerships with Southern cotton plantations
in America, and who launched the propaganda campaigns
that led to the War.
The freedom and sovereignty of the people
has always been under attack
since day one. We have been lied to since birth,
and from the looks of it, the corporate Washington D.C. politicians
were never obligated to tell us the truth.
In fact, our opinions and votes never really mattered to them
at all. We were really nothing more than property to them,
and the beliefs we came to hold dear
were all based on vicious lies. And it's always business as usual for them,
just business as usual in this hollow, empty corporate shell
called America,
Land of the Me,
Home of the Slave.
RIP, United States of America.
Born: July 4, 1776.
Died: February 21, 1871.

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Law and Force

Law is empty without force.
In order for the American states to have
declared themselves independent from the British Crown,
they needed enough military power
to resist and defeat the British forces.
Otherwise, the Constitution would have been ripped to shreds,
and its authors executed in the most brutal fashions.
Resisting a modern-day tyranny is no different.
Unless your natural, physical power
can match or exceed that of the tyranny in question,
every declaration of independence you make will be null and void,
and every valid legal justification you use will be tossed out
while that same tyranny either puts you under the jail or
has your body torn to shreds, or both.
Might still makes right,
even to the point of determining
the difference between being "right" and being "dead-right."
A just law with adequate physical power makes one right.
But that same law without any power makes one dead-right.
And it does one no good to win an argument from the grave.
Obtain the power first, then assert your law.
Own the game you're already playing,
then rewrite every last rule in your favor.
All laws must be enforced with an invincible power;
otherwise, they are nothing more than mere ideals.

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Analytical Paralysis

Some say that my near-mid-life crisis
(not that I have one, but they think I do)
stems from a severe "paralysis of analysis."
If anything, my depth of analytical vision
is far from paralyzed.
I just don't like what I see, that's all.
And when it comes to
"My Country, 'tis of Thee,
Sweet Land of Liberty,"
I've been able to see not one, not ten,
but a thousand miles down the road.
And I saw the creeps who
sold every last acre of American property to
foreign investor-groups and
outsourced numerous American jobs to
nations that thoroughly despise American liberties and
forced American government to keep on borrowing
from the same spiteful nations
to the tune of trillions of dollars while
flooding the global economy with
that much worthless paper-money every year and
bringing the US Dollar that much closer
to its own irreversible demise.
I saw America's violent death,
not five decades from now,
not three decades from now,
heck, not even in the decades,
but in the years, just a few more years
is all it'll take.
America couldn't even dig herself out of this hole
if she wanted to. And what's worse,
she's so deceived by her own arrogant lusts,
she won't even accept the reality that
she's in a hole in the first place.
Nevertheless, the multi-trillion-dollar debt
that has enslaved both America and her citizens
is so severe,
that if either Communist China or Saudi Arabia
demanded full, immediate, and unconditional repayment
of all debts owed, America would cease to exist,
and everything and everyone in America
would be immediately and mercilessly
liquidated and sold off; and even then,
that would barely make a dent in the debt.
There is something horrendously wrong
when a nation no longer owns herself.
It's rather difficult to focus on any goal
when your country's very foundation
has been turned into quicksand. No,
my analytical mind is nowhere near paralyzed.
I just can't stand what I see, that's all.
It's as if the American people have been taken
by a slavery that has neither shackles nor plantations,
neither cotton fields nor auction blocks,
and certainly no underground railroad
in an Information Age where everyone's name
is on lockdown. They probably even know
what you had for lunch yesterday.
And when those aforementioned creditor nations
finally do decide to collect,
and the whole of America is sold off into permanent slavery,
every American who attempts to renounce all citizenship
will hit a brick wall ten-trillion times worse than
the Dred Scott Decision. In other words,
there'll be absolutely no escape when your soul
is finally liquidated. And the very ones who
made sure America would be enslaved to this debt
were once, themselves, Americans long ago, albeit
very rich, powerful, and operating in shadows of
secret brotherhood, their ultimate goal,
a New World Order that has everything to do with
occult supernatural powers
and absolutely nothing to do with
liberty and justice for all.
And then there's February 21, 1871,
the District of Columbia Organic Act,
when the American government ceased to be
a government by and for the people, and
became a federal corporation owned by
the avaricious foreign bankers who
bailed the nation out of her Civil War debts,
when the "Constitution for the United States of America,"
the original Constitution for the sovereign American people,
was covertly replaced by the
a legal document for a globally traded corporation that treats Americans
like property
through Birth Certificates and Social Security,
using your very body as collateral against its own
horrendous multi-trillion-dollar debt.
It's as if the Forty-First Congress
traded in one type of slavery for another,
only instead of putting one race in bondage,
they essentially auctioned off the entire American population,
deceiving all of the people into selling themselves
into slavery. Thomas Jefferson warned this nation
about the bankers. And Abraham Lincoln
would have definitely opposed the Act of 1871,
which is probably the real reason he was assassinated
in 1865. The problem is,
not enough people cared then,
and it seems like nowadays,
there still aren't enough people to care.
So then what's paralyzed now,
my analytical abilities,
or American freedom?
The Federal Government
was never enslaved to Corporate America,
because the Federal Government
is Corporate America.

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Peg-and-Hole World

This is a society of pegs and holes.
This is an American society of pegs and holes,
pegs and holes, pegs and holes, pegs and holes.
From the time you are born to
the time you go to school to
the time you graduate from college, you
are repeatedly told that all good pegs find a good hole to fit into. And
you're really doing well when you find a lucrative long-term hole with
good benefits and retirement. Every time you watch TV, you see
pegs and holes. Every time you go to class, you're only taught
pegs and holes. Every time your parents and friends and "spiritual" leaders
give you their idea of good advice, it always points back to
pegs and holes, pegs and holes, pegs and holes. And your government is
working very hard to create more good holes for American pegs, and
to prevent more good holes from being outsourced to foreign pegs or
occupied by illegal pegs, anything to further this economy of
pegs and holes, pegs and holes, pegs and holes, pegs and holes.
You've got thousands of square pegs mistakenly trying to fit into round holes and
thousands of round pegs who believe they belong in a rectangular hole and
thousands of triangular pegs who
already fit comfortably in their triangular holes but
stubbornly insist that they belong in a pentagonal hole, or a hexagonal hole,
or an elliptical hole, "anything but this goddamn triangular hole" is what they
grumble in utter discontentment. It's all about pegs and holes, pegs and holes,
pegs and holes, pegs and holes, pegs and holes, pegs and holes.
And you've got 'round-the-clock counselor-pegs doing their best to
help find a hole for those oddly-shaped pegs who
can't seem to find one. Not having a good hole can
drive a peg to suicide these days, or worse,
it can mercilessly force that peg to take up high-powered weapons and
senselessly slaughter countless innocent men, women, and children pegs
in a peg-and-hole world that cares more about profits
than it does about people. I thought you knew:
pegs are the best livestock big money can buy,
far better than the actual animal kind because they willingly
go to the slaughterhouse whenever you convince them with
enough pleasurable lies and
fatten their American egos with enough material possessions like
twenty-first-century bread and circuses. Nowadays,
this world has billions of pegs,
far more than it knows what to do with,
consuming more natural resources than the planet can provide.
This is clearly a peg-and-hole world on the brink,
a peg-and-hole world on the brink, a peg-and-hole world on the brink,
a peg-and-hole world on the brink. And it's stressful enough,
living in a peg-and-hole society as a peg with
no proper hole that fits. Imagine the handful of people who
wake up one morning and realize that they're not pegs at all,
that they were never pegs to begin with. How do you cope
in a world that is simply not you, was never you, and
will never be you at all? How do you become something
you were never meant to be?
For your kind,
the peg-and-hole lifestyle is a heinous lie, plain and simple.
They lied to you about your identity, your heritage,
and your very purpose for existing. And sadly,
most of them thought they were doing the right thing by
indoctrinating you with this peg-and-hole mentality.
It's entirely up to you
to think differently,
to take the path
many will be too blind to see or too fearful to consider.
For your kind,
trying to be a peg in a hole may be safe,
and it may even feel good,
but it will never be right.

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Noblest Steadfast Honor Anew for the Ultimate Unknown Heroes

(Dedicated to the Fallen Heroes of September 11th, 2001)

We must honor those noblest of good common people,
who gave their lives to defend us all.
We must always honor the fallen, even the unsung average ones,
who fought steadfast and heroically to successfully defend the nation
against all attacks and assaults.
We must honor their unusual sacrifice with selfless works,
steadfast blessed acts, and psalms of peace.
We must remember by living our own lives with ambition,
boundless successfulness, steadfast virtue, spotless honesty, astute selflessness,
and uncommon kindness.
We must always believe that human life is a precious, most-opulent gift
of abundant hopefulness.
We must always remember to walk in boundless love and enormous respectfulness
towards all peoples everywhere, even as we love and respect our own selves.
We must always be that outspoken voice of justice,
to justly defend the oppressed in every place.
We must always be the steadfast, dauntless, spontaneous, boundless,
resolvent conscience that never rests
until all human life is treasured throughout the world.
We must always improve ourselves with knowledge,
and with subtle wisdom we must educate the soul.
We must always strive for successful self-mastery,
to cast out all destructive emotions and habits,
and to deftly build steadfast virtue and respectfulness for all ages.
We must, as a united people, cast out all cankerous demons
of selfishness, hatred, greed, and violence.
We must, as one strong people, undo and erase all foul, contemptuous institutions
of corruption, lawlessness, abuse, unspeakable avarice, and heinous injustice.
The utmost paramount right or wrong that happens to one of us
causally affects us all, unchecked.
Even as a chain can only be as strong as its weakest link,
humanity can only be as successful as the most oppressed souls,
binding us all to the same fate of manmade senselessness.
We are bound to do all that we can, as one humane people,
to permanently heal and mend all of our land.
We are driven by love to cast out the detestable madness
that fuels our deepest corruptions, to heal the ceaselessly confused mind,
and to restore all that was lost.
We are moved by courage to permanently defeat and cast out
all embedded demons of callous, abject fear.
We are vastly moved, steadfast, courageous,
to successfully defeat and cast out all spirits of corrupt cowardice,
unfounded timidity, baseless doubt, and unjust fears.
By these most courageous acts of boundless, righteous, steadfast goodness,
we remember the fallen.
As we ceaselessly walk with thankfulness,
respectfulness, thoughtfulness, peace, and hope,
we successfully honor those men and women
who gave their lives.

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