Sunday, December 15, 2013

Peg-and-Hole World

This is a society of pegs and holes.
This is an American society of pegs and holes,
pegs and holes, pegs and holes, pegs and holes.
From the time you are born to
the time you go to school to
the time you graduate from college, you
are repeatedly told that all good pegs find a good hole to fit into. And
you're really doing well when you find a lucrative long-term hole with
good benefits and retirement. Every time you watch TV, you see
pegs and holes. Every time you go to class, you're only taught
pegs and holes. Every time your parents and friends and "spiritual" leaders
give you their idea of good advice, it always points back to
pegs and holes, pegs and holes, pegs and holes. And your government is
working very hard to create more good holes for American pegs, and
to prevent more good holes from being outsourced to foreign pegs or
occupied by illegal pegs, anything to further this economy of
pegs and holes, pegs and holes, pegs and holes, pegs and holes.
You've got thousands of square pegs mistakenly trying to fit into round holes and
thousands of round pegs who believe they belong in a rectangular hole and
thousands of triangular pegs who
already fit comfortably in their triangular holes but
stubbornly insist that they belong in a pentagonal hole, or a hexagonal hole,
or an elliptical hole, "anything but this goddamn triangular hole" is what they
grumble in utter discontentment. It's all about pegs and holes, pegs and holes,
pegs and holes, pegs and holes, pegs and holes, pegs and holes.
And you've got 'round-the-clock counselor-pegs doing their best to
help find a hole for those oddly-shaped pegs who
can't seem to find one. Not having a good hole can
drive a peg to suicide these days, or worse,
it can mercilessly force that peg to take up high-powered weapons and
senselessly slaughter countless innocent men, women, and children pegs
in a peg-and-hole world that cares more about profits
than it does about people. I thought you knew:
pegs are the best livestock big money can buy,
far better than the actual animal kind because they willingly
go to the slaughterhouse whenever you convince them with
enough pleasurable lies and
fatten their American egos with enough material possessions like
twenty-first-century bread and circuses. Nowadays,
this world has billions of pegs,
far more than it knows what to do with,
consuming more natural resources than the planet can provide.
This is clearly a peg-and-hole world on the brink,
a peg-and-hole world on the brink, a peg-and-hole world on the brink,
a peg-and-hole world on the brink. And it's stressful enough,
living in a peg-and-hole society as a peg with
no proper hole that fits. Imagine the handful of people who
wake up one morning and realize that they're not pegs at all,
that they were never pegs to begin with. How do you cope
in a world that is simply not you, was never you, and
will never be you at all? How do you become something
you were never meant to be?
For your kind,
the peg-and-hole lifestyle is a heinous lie, plain and simple.
They lied to you about your identity, your heritage,
and your very purpose for existing. And sadly,
most of them thought they were doing the right thing by
indoctrinating you with this peg-and-hole mentality.
It's entirely up to you
to think differently,
to take the path
many will be too blind to see or too fearful to consider.
For your kind,
trying to be a peg in a hole may be safe,
and it may even feel good,
but it will never be right.

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