Saturday, September 2, 2017


Trying to solve these modern-day problems
using "that old-time religion"
makes about as much sense
as putting new wine into old wineskins,
or attacking an ironclad battleship with wooden bows and arrows.
I don't care what god you serve:
do you really think David's simple slingshot would stand a chance
against a Goliath who has an AK-47 in his right hand, an RPG in his left,
and bulletproof body-armor from head to toe? I don't think so!
In this modern-day technologically advanced society,
we are experiencing moral and ethical challenges
that our forefathers and foremothers couldn't have even imagined,
and the Biblical misconceptions the church could get away with long ago
are completely ripping Christians to shreds today,
while the world looks on and increasingly mocks both Jesus and His followers
with each passing day. Stop trying to get away with Dispensationalism,
since that moth-eaten theology clearly supports a fickle, inconsistent,
changing G
while the Bible itself says, "I am the L
ORD, I change not,"
and "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever."
Stop trying to say that the entire Bible is the W
when even Jesus Himself had to edit the very Scriptures
during His Sermon on the Mount,
teaching people to love their enemies instead of hating them,
and altogether negating the "eye for an eye" and "swearing an oath" parts.
Stop using the Book of Genesis as the undisputed origin of humanity
when even Jesus Himself never mentioned Adam by name,
always referring to Himself as "the Son of man," never "the Son of Adam."
Stop teaching people that Satan rules over Hell and lives in Hell
when Satan isn't even in Hell, but is instead the prince of the powers of the air.
Stop saying that Satan resembles that sabbatical goat called Baphomet
when the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel called him Lucifer,
the archangel of musical glory and sublime beauty,
who was ejected from Heaven for willfully dreaming about
being like the M
OST HIGH, dreaming about being made in the Image of GOD,
ALREADY ARE. They know not, neither will they understand,
and they senselessly march onward like Christian soldiers in their own darkness,
which is why all of the earth's foundations are horrendously out of course.
We desperately need to assume our rightful place as gods,
as Sons and Daughters of the M
before we all die like mortal men
and fall like one of the blind princes.
We desperately need to do away with David's old worn-out slingshot
and get with the times
before it's too late.
Every cause has a unique effect,
and every effect has a unique cause.
Nothing happens by random chance.

Copyright © 2016, All Rights Reserved

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