Friday, September 1, 2017

The Road to Hell

Good intentions cannot undo an evil truth.
America was meant to be a nation of liberty and justice for all,
but her very foundation consists of European invaders,
violently and unjustly taking the land from the Native Americans
who were already there, and then kidnapping and enslaving countless Africans
to build upon and maintain the land that was stolen from the Native Americans.
So then how can a nation champion liberty and justice
while standing on a foundation of slavery and injustice?
Good intentions cannot undo an evil truth.
Any nation that legislates free speech, free press, free religion, and free protest
will inevitably suffer the corruption inherent in all human nature,
in that every individual who is free to soar to the noblest heights
will always be violently resisted
by every individual who is also free to sink to the most deplorable depths;
and as it is with individuals, so it is with whole communities, whole cities,
and whole states: every nation divided against itself is brought to ruin,
and every family divided against itself cannot stand.
So as long as the freely inclusive are violently resisted by the freely racist,
and the forward progressives are violently resisted by the backward traditionalists,
and the globalists are violently resisted by the isolationists,
and the environmentalists are violently resisted by the industrialists,
and the freely generous are violently resisted by the staunchly selfish,
and the increasingly liberal are violently resisted by the increasingly conservative,
America is inevitably doomed. Indeed, the very democracy,
meant to prevent a totalitarian government from grinding freedom to powder,
will still wind up being violently ground to powder under the burdensome weight
of its own merciless division, an internal conflict fuelled by human nature itself.
Good intentions cannot undo an evil truth.
It is no mystery that good intentions have always been
the finest gold bricks ever used to create the road to Hell.
And every last government founded by humanity
paves the same path with that many more gold bricks
while marching on towards the same age-old oblivion.
Countless ruins tell the same sad tale. And all truths,
both good and evil,
remain ever steadfast in their silent proclamation,
regardless of the countless generations of propaganda ministers
consistently bent on gas-lighting the lies of the day into the hearts and minds
of the current masses. In the end, their angry threats are always
on the road to Hell, the final path every nation must travel,
an infernal highway most spectacularly paved
with the best of intentions.
It is never enough.

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