Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Hundred Years

        Noah and his family spent one hundred years building the ark. For an Antediluvian who lived for almost a millennium, a hundred years would have been like a decade is to our modern-day world. But for modern man, a hundred years is practically an entire lifetime. For a modern-day human being who only lived for ninety-five years, Noah and his family would have started building the ark before that person was born, and then finished building the ark after that person died! That is how radically different Antediluvian humanity was from modern-day humanity, with many thousands of years between the two.
        Although the Antediluvians commonly built vast megalithic structures using their augmented telekinetic and telepathic abilities, Noah and his family took one hundred years to build the ark because they built it by hand, using basic tools and absolutely no superhuman powers whatsoever. G
OD INSTRUCTED them to build it by hand as a Sign against a violently corrupt Antediluvian world, a world that had utterly turned against GOD in any and every possible way. The Sign itself had a twofold message, the first and most common part being the impending global destruction humanity's actions were about to cause, and the second part being the complete REMOVAL of all superhuman powers through the radical SHORTENING of all human longevity, as exemplified through the building of the entire ark by hand. The Sign was around for a hundred years, which means that the knowledge of Noah's building-project and its significance were amply transmitted throughout the entire global telepathic network in the Antediluvian world, which meant that every last one of the eight billion human souls was aware of the ark. Nevertheless, every last one of those Antediluvian souls wrote off Noah and his family as insane, driven mad by this foolish end-time notion, even driven to the point of wasting so much time and energy building a gigantic boat by hand on dry land. They may have laughed and told jokes every time the ark was broadcast on the global telepathic network, but when the great flood destroyed their entire world, they weren't laughing anymore.

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