Saturday, November 3, 2012


(Footnotes and citations are pending.)

        Numerous people throughout the world claim to have proof of reincarnation through what they believe to be past-life memories. Some have undergone hypnosis to bring those memories to the surface, claiming that their journey into the metaphysical is rooted in some prior life as an advanced psychic scientist in Atlantis or Lemuria. And, of course, many pragmatists have laughed these New-Age people to scorn, while numerous Christians accuse those "New-Agers" of being possessed with the devil. All three groups are wrong. The New-Age people have no legitimate proof of reincarnation (and this will be explained later), the pragmatists need to stop writing off physically intangible things as unreal, and the Christians need to stop declaring any and every misunderstood phenomenon as an act of the devil.
        First, one must consider the notion of reincarnation, and how that notion runs contrary to several spiritual events that have taken place (or will take place) in history. The most notable spiritual event is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself knew that He was going to be killed on a cross, yet He insisted on being put to death in this horrific fashion, claiming that His death would C
LEANSE the entire human race of its sin-nature. If people could endure repeated reincarnations in order to perfect themselves (as the Hindus claim), then why would one man, called the SON of GOD, SACRIFICE His Very Life to CLEANSE the entire human race? And if the Bible says that it is appointed to every man to die once, and then to be JUDGED, then what room is there for reincarnation, which would imply dying more than once? And if Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all speak of a final Resurrection of the dead, where the dead will then be Judged, then how can anyone be reincarnated as another person and Resurrected as the original person at the same time?
        Now for what many have mistakenly called "past-life memories" or "Satanic possession," the memories are neither, in that they have nothing to do with reincarnation and they have nothing to do with the devil. Although people rely primarily upon physical human memory, which is limited to what an individual experiences from birth onward, human beings also have a spiritual memory, which is passed on from parents to children, and which spans all generations, all the way back to Adam and Eve, the first parents of all humanity. Spiritual memory expresses itself from the deepest subconscious dreams and during the deepest forms of hypnosis and meditation. The spiritual memories of all the Antediluvian patriarchs from Adam to Noah are embedded deep within the spirit of every last human being that has been born after the flood. Those Antediluvian memories include centuries-long lifespans and the rise of amazingly augmented forms of telekinesis, telepathy, levitation, transmutation, teleportation, and numerous other superhuman abilities. There are also memories of the global telepathic network that once existed long before the invention of writing, memories of massively elaborate megalithic wonders built entirely with superhuman mental powers, memories of forbidden relations with supernatural beings that had wrongfully taken physical form, memories of the radical abuses of superhuman mental powers to gratify the most horrendously selfish appetites, and memories of the violent global flood that resulted from the superhuman telekinetic use of the Earth's molten interior as a super-weapon of mass-destruction. What one might think is a past-life memory of Atlantis is really an inherited spiritual memory from numerous advanced ancient civilizations, extending all the way back to the Antediluvian world, the most advanced of them all.
        What Christians sorely need to realize is that, of all spiritual memory, theirs is the most powerful and the most supernatural of all. That is because Christians who are truly S
AVED have also been BAPTIZED with GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT, which means that Christians who are truly SAVED have a human spirit that has been MADE ONE with GOD'S SPIRIT, and this means that those Christians have INHERITED GOD'S INFINITE AND ETERNAL SPIRITUAL MEMORY, FILLING them with all the WISDOM, POWER, and LOVE of GOD HIMSELF. And Christians must Study GOD'S WORD RIGHTLY DIVIDED so that they can properly Discern all spiritual memory, with GOD'S WORD ACTIVATING all the MEMORIES of the HOLY SPIRIT within every Faithfully Obedient Believer. Memory is the Seat of identity, so to EXPERIENCE GOD'S VERY MEMORIES is to KNOW GOD HIMSELF.

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