Thursday, August 20, 2015

In the Name of Freedom

What is freedom?
From the time we are born, we are
conditioned to swap our very own precious hours for dollars
in order to eat, get dressed, and purchase a place to stay,
the original ideals of rural self-sustenance and land ownership
so thoroughly erased from this present majority
that if this money system were to die, they would all die with it.
What is freedom?
From the time we were born, we are
thoroughly trained to be wage-slaves and debt-slaves
in a smoke-and-mirrors economy consisting of promissory-note dollars
printed by a sleazy global banking firm posing as a federal agency,
the American government long since having been bought and incorporated by
imperialistic foreign moneychangers who now tax the American people
with an undemocratic impunity known as the Internal Revenue Service.
What is freedom?
The people fought and died for it more than two centuries ago,
only to find that we have all merely escaped from one prison to another,
from a prison of hopeless pain to a prison of boundless pleasures,
where our basic human rights are still denied, albeit
with a denial disguised as liberty like ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing,
every metropolitan city now converted into a hopelessly congested, divided farm
where helpless human livestock is bred for an inevitable final slaughter.
The rich are no better off than the poor, having six-,
seven-, eight-, nine-, and ten-figure amounts of
the same Federal-Reserve promissory-note dollars that still amount to
nothing more than smoke and mirrors, with that dreadful day around the corner
when the smoke is suddenly blown away
and the mirrors are inconveniently shattered.
And how can you call yourself free when
you need debt-dollars in a debtors' economy
so that you can eat, clothe yourself, and put a roof over your head?
How can you call yourself free when your very mind
is enslaved to so many pieces of paper with the faces of
dead Presidents printed on them? (And some of those same Presidents
actually owned plantations filled with Black slaves.)
How the hell can you call yourself free when you
involuntarily pay taxes to an imperialistic government system
that not only owns the American government outright,
but also considers the American people to be nothing more than
property, capital, livestock, things, things, things?
And how could you have even called yourself free
when you, your parents, your grandparents, your great-grandparents, and so on,
all of you,
have been denied the very truth of your existence since birth?
When it comes to true freedom, we the people are a lie.
And though the luxurious hedonistic prison that holds us
spans thousands of beautiful miles in every direction,
it is still a prison. And the boundless prison-bars made of
gold, silver, precious gems, dollar-signs, and mindless hedonistic dreams
are still prison-bars. And the American livestock,
though it has a human face, human hands, and a human mind,
is still livestock bound for an inevitable slaughter.
True freedom can only come
when you know the truth, and the truth makes you free.
True freedom is always better than liberty,
and having true fulfillment always surpasses
the mere pursuit of happiness.

Copyright © 2014, All Rights Reserved

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