Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Climb

In this present corrupt world,
climbing the mountain of truth is not for the weak.
For every truth you learn on the climb,
a most-favored belief you have had since birth will be slain,
and its blood will cover your intellectual path,
making it that much harder to climb.
And the higher you climb,
the lesser the number of meaningful people you will have near you,
simply because they ceased to climb any higher,
or they basically refused to climb at all,
which will make your ascent that much lonelier as you continue.
Sometimes, for the moment, the price you pay for truth
is peace of mind, simply because that peace was founded
upon lies, false beliefs that may be thousands,
even tens of thousands of years old, yet still false.
The climb always seems thankless and bitter,
but it is always demanded of anyone
who is dedicated to being an ally of the truth.
Otherwise, that person who refuses to climb, in any way,
cannot even remotely claim such an allegiance,
but is instead a liar and a hypocrite in every way.
You absolutely cannot be afraid to give up your religion,
your family, and your country if the climb reveals them all
to be heinous lies. Otherwise, you are utterly unworthy of any truth,
no matter how virtuous you claim to be.
And anyone who is utterly unworthy of truth is also unworthy of life,
in every way. That which is the lie cannot live.

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